This is the homepage of the open-source '42 project. '42 is a more or less a clone of the 1943 arcade game. It is written in C++ and uses the SDL and SDL_image libraries as well as Guile 1.6 for AI code. The images are provided by SpriteLib, a free image library. It is also intended to provide a simple codebase for developing similar 2D shoot-em-up games by plugging in custom graphics, Scheme AI code and data files.
The latest release is 0.3.5 and is available in the files section on SourceForge.
To learn more about '42, subscribe to the mailing lists. There is a list for general discussion. To subscribe, use the Mailman interface. If you just want to know about the latest releases and project announcements join the forty-two-announce mailing list here.
The '42 SourceForge pages is where all the downloads and other information about the project can be found.